Salmonella infections have been present in America since at least the early 1600s. Scholars studying the history of Jamestown in Virginia believe that typhoid fever was responsible for the deaths of over 6,000 settlers between 1607 and 1624.
Salmonella bacterium was first found by Soholerin in 1839, and it isolated by Eberth in 1880 from the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen of a person died from typhoid fever.
Salmonella was first cultured from the intestines of pigs infected with classical swine fever, by Theobald Smith in 1855.
The bacterial strain was named after Dr Daniel Elmer Salmon, an American veterinary pathologist who ran the United States Department of Agriculture. Together with Theobald Smith, Salmon found Salmonella in hogs that succumbed to the disease known as hog cholera.
Salmonella bacteria as a causative agent for gastroenteritis was isolated by Gartner in 1888 from a fatal case of gastroenteritis in a young man who had eaten raw meat taken from a diseased cow.
In 1880, German pathologist Karl Eberth identified S. enterica. It was first cultured in 1884 by Georg Gaffky.
S. typhimurium was isolated by Loeffler in 1892 from an infected mouse. In 1896, Achard and Bensaud isolated an organism to which they gave the name Bacillus paratyphique and this organism according to Boycott (1911) was S. schottmuller.
Discovery of salmonella
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